
Are you done with picking random styles from pre-made or generic designs of which many of the designs lends sitting in inventory for a long period of time, We have 100% successful solution to this problem. Try our Store Branding-Merchandising Solution which will be right match for your Store. With NO Minimum commitment to buy, We are revolutionizing and changing the outdated buying process and with over 25 Years of Merchandising experience we offer 1 on 1 exclusive service to Retail stores to build a Bridal or any desired collection tailored to your specific store needs that will depict a brand story of your store... We already have retailers using our Merchandising very successfully. TRY IT OUT

yellow rotary telephone
yellow rotary telephone

Schedule a call with our Merchandising Team who will get some ideas from you end and deliver a sketch project at no cost...

After we receive your selections from sketches we provide the Cads with No minimum OR any obligation to buy...

After selection of final number of Cad's you receive the cost for the number of pieces finalized in Cad's...

a stack of twenty dollar bills sitting on top of each other
a stack of twenty dollar bills sitting on top of each other

Lastly we provide the delivery date. Sketch, Cad, Wax and Final piece shipped in 3-4 weeks for initial project...

Store Branding/Merchandising - Made in USA

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Project Gallery

Contact us if you have any questions